
To A New and Happy Year…and all that jazz….

One year ago I was packing my bags as I ventured upon a journey somewhat into the unknown but not entirely. A bit scared. Excited. Apprehensive. But the decision was made; more than that the money had been paid. I was off to Le Cordon Bleu.

And here it is one year later  and I am in the airport lounge (this is such a familiar situation for me I hesitate to count how many times I have done this over the past 25 odd years), and I reflect on one year passing.

I completed my studies at LCB and am quite proud of myself for sticking through it…endeavor to persevere as I always say; and I did. Great. I met some great people and keep in touch with a few I can honestly call friends. I also have the answers to some of my most crucial questions. Should I change my career and go cook for a living. I still love and have a deeply ingrained passion for food. Cooking, baking, gardening, preserving etc. But to do it for a living, and at my age. No. I know I do not want to do that at this point in my life. I still think of the B&B somewhere someday but that is a little different. A pretty hefty price to pay for 9 months to find out it is not what I feel I should do, but I am one of those people who would have wondered about if FOREVER. And would NEVER be happy unless I found out for myself. So there. Been there done that. No regrets.

On another note, many other things happened. We moved my Mother into assisted living – her choice. She is still very able bodied and does not look anywhere near her years and she just said “That is it, I have had enough and I want to be taken care of now but still have freedom.” Done. I was a bit adamant at first and also quite selfish because I would not have those days with my Mom at her place…but I can pick her up and we can go to a hotel and spend the night and visit. Which we have already done by the way and it was wonderful.

I lost some people over the year as well. A cousin only a few years older than I who was very sick but did not want the family to know. And one of my best friends lost her Mom suddenly which still breaks my heart as I know how close they were. But she tells me she is at peace, mainly because her Mom was at peace with her life. That is something to be grateful for and cherished at any age.

And for me, well I am back into my normal routine, if anything I usually do may be called normal; working in construction management on a project very close (actually in Canada less than 2 hours flight from the Peg) for a few months maybe up to a year. Back and forth again. If it works out I may even have a garden this year.

Should I make any resolutions? I have always hated that idea whenever a New Year rolls around…Why wait for January 1st to change or do something? Just do it. Well I have a few more things added to my list. Clean a few more drawers and cupboards; try to write more; make an effort to meet new people (ewwww it scares me); relationship? ummm no not ready for that one because it is always such a train wreck; do more yoga yes I can achieve that one; the gym is always good and I always go, so no issue there; health is relatively good but some things are changing and some are a bit scary (this year IS a big year for me….). I think I already am a pretty fantastically cool person but I can always be a little better. Pretty boring though…What am I doing to challenge myself? And further to that why do I think I Have to challenge myself? Can I not just be who I am?

Food for thought.

Happy Day One of the next 365…

Bon Appetit (for the soul)…