I made it through relatively unscathed I am proud to say. I am officially an Alumna of Le Cordon Bleu; a graduate of Le Grand Diplome.
Another check on my list, although it is much more than just a check. It is fulfilling part of a dream I had as a young girl telling myself one day I would attend Le Cordon Bleu. It was pursuing my love of creating in the kitchen. And it was a real eye opener. I have always loved cooking and baking and most days involve waking and thinking ‘What am I going to make today?’ Having never taken any formal culinary courses I had no idea what to expect. I mentioned in previous posts how I found it very challenging as it was a foreign environment for me, plus I was much older than the majority of my classmates and had a career for over 20 years. I was and am still, amazed at some of the creations that resulted from each class and what I managed to achieve. Others were not so fantastic, but if I would have done them at home my friends probably would have thought they were great, not noticing (or caring) about the various flaws pointed out in class.
No matter the critiques I was and still am, very proud of myself for completing this very intensive and extremely challenging course. But I am also glad it ended when it did, as I found myself having feelings about cooking and the kitchen that I do not ever want to have – I was starting to dread it, even hating some days when I would have to endure so much pressure. It was not fun. I was not enjoying it. I had to get out. Thankfully it ended well, with successful completion of both Patisserie and Cuisine and I am now a proud holder of Le Grand Diplome.
Now that I am finished I can enjoy practicing at home, on my own time, in my own space. And I can love it.
Bon Appetit!!