I recently made a decision to do some drastically different things in my life. Things that are way outside of my comfort zone, or that zone I have had for many years and considered it comfortable. It seems a bit odd because those ‘out-of-comfort’ things are the things I love: food, cooking, baking and all things food, cooking, baking etc. These are my passion but not anything I have done as a career to support myself thus the ‘un-comfort’ zone.
So I decided to take yet a further break from my normal life and become a student again this time in culinary arts. I have always wanted to study at Le Cordon Bleu as long as I can remember so I said ok, go do it. I am now registered at the only North American campus of Le Cordon Bleu and will be studying Le Grand Diplome. Classes begin in a few days. Most people take either the cuisine or the patisserie but not both so I understand I will be very very busy. Wish me luck 🙂 I am excited and nervous and a little afraid…I know there is a fair bit I know about cooking and I also know there is a lot more I do not know (at least I can be humble about it 🙂 ).
I may not be posting very often but only time will tell.
It will give a whole meaning to each time I say “Bon Appetit!!”